Temperature scans canceled

Staff’s temperature will still be checked, school still face to face.

Ava Brackeen

After the Wednesday afternoon meeting, the Gating Criteria Committee decided to put an end to the daily temperature checks for all DHS students. 

However, nothing has changed for Derby staff members, as they are still required to use the school thermometers. 

The committee also voted to keep all Derby Public Schools open to daily in-person classes until Oct. 2. The Gating Criteria Committee, which meets every two weeks, meets again on Sept. 30.

Students are still encouraged to stay aware of symptoms and monitor temperatures at home. 

Derby students had adjusted to the daily scan. 

“I think having temperature checks will help getting everyone in the school quicker and be a relief on the teachers that help do them every morning,” sophomore Lexie Langley said.

Since there are no temperature checks, getting into the building is much easier.