Lai: Remote learning a positive choice

Alyssa Lai, Copy Editor

To have in-person school or not? Every student had to face this decision at the beginning of the school year. Whether you chose in-person or online school, everything has changed.

I chose the latter of the two.

It seemed like a win. You don’t have to eat school lunch and you can mute your classmates whenever you want.

However online school comes with it’s own unique challenges.

Being in your room all day, sitting in a chair for hours on end can make you feel isolated from the world.

Obviously, since you aren’t there with your friends, having online school can make you feel lonely and out of the loop.

Also, if you have a hard time with schoolwork, the limited interactions with your teachers can affect your grades tremendously.

Adding those problems up and the screen fatigue, online school feels like a whole different league.

With that being said, it does have its advantages.

Clearly, you never have to worry about your exposure to COVID-19.

You have more time before and after school since you don’t have to travel back and forth.

During zoom calls, you have more freedom to do whatever you want.

Generally, I would say that online school has been better for my mental and physical health.

It has allowed me more time to take care of myself and to enjoy activities outside of school.

Since online school, I have been able to eat healthier and sleep more regular hours.

I have a healthy home life so this is just the case for me. I am speaking from a place of privilege; online school is not for everybody.

It honestly comes down to the person and their lifestyle. But online school has been beneficial for me.