Thomas: Diversity in Music Preferences

Zara Thomas, Production Editor

At DHS, there is a wide variety of music that people listen to, from pop, to rock, to rap, to indie. 

“My favorite song is Love Story by Taylor Swift and my favorite artist is Taylor Swift,” said junior Abby Bringhurst.

Taylor Swift got her country music career started in 2004 in Nashville. In 2014, she announced her official transition from country music to pop, and has had much success in it, with many of her songs making it to the top of music charts over the years.

“My favorite song is Hayloft by Mother Mother and (my) favorite artist is Glass Animals,” said sophomore Emily Reed.

Glass animals is an English band who released their first album in 2014. While it didn’t do as well as they had expected at first, one song on the album, Gooey, eventually became a viral streaming hit.

Sophomore Mia Starnes’ favorite song is “Perfect Places by Lorde, and musical artist, Wallows or Arctic Monkeys.”

Wallows is a relatively new band. They released their first song in 2017, and didn’t realise an entire album until 2019. Their most popular song, Are You Bored Yet? (which was sung with Clairo), has over 260,000,000 streams on Spotify.

Arctic Monkeys is another band that has been releasing music for 15 years. Their biggest hit, Do I Wanna Know?, has nearly one billion streams on Spotify, which is almost double their second most popular song.