Students back to school after winter break, remote learning

Caleb Day

Walking up to the school on Jan. 4 after seven weeks away — five of them stuck in remote learning — wasn’t easy. But even as tired students likely battled emotions such as nervousness, there was also eagerness to be back.

“I’m excited because I’ll be able to focus and get work done…. I struggled focusing because I don’t have a study spot, so I stay in bed, and my Xbox controller is next to me when I wake up,” junior Ryan King said. 

While there are students who thrive in remote learning, others prefer being face to face. There’s also the added social benefit of being in school.

“It feels good to see my friends and teachers again,” freshman Collin Meyer said. “… All break long I played PS4 with my friends, Britton (Pascual) and Jace (Knudson). It’s good to see them again.”

Although some students are anxious to go back, some students prefer the online life.

“I enjoyed the break and school was easier at home,” freshman Boaz Day said. “I feel like teachers have sympathy for the students that struggle with online, making it easier for students that understand.”