Opinions on Squid Game vary

The Netflix show “Squid Game” has captured the attention of fans.

Students weighed in with their opinions on the show.


A: “I always liked movies in different languages for some reason,” senior Jordan Taylor said.


A: “It’s a unique TV show. I just like how it’s different than other shows,” freshman Gavyn Englehart said.


A: “It would probably be the honeycomb (challenge). It’s basically where it’s melted sugar and it has a certain shape in it, and you have to take this needle and kind of carve out the shape, and if the shape breaks then you are eliminated,” freshman Vincent Shafer said.


A: “They all die,” junior Amber Sanford said.


A: “I think it’s interesting that they die, if they don’t like, do it correctly with the honeycomb,” freshman Kylee Bain said.


A: “I think it’s a really cool show about being greedy and society, and I don’t know I really enjoy it,” senior Evelyn Johnson said.