Comes: Should we stop falling back?

Shaye Comes, Content Editor

For many, fall and winter become the most depressing months out of the year. The gloomy, cold weather paired with short days and long nights creates a disruption in the body’s circadian rhythm, leading to poor sleep and depression. 


The change in time in November is the main source of darkness during the winter. We set our clocks back routinely, but what good actually comes of this?


January is said to be one of the most depressing months out of the entire year, as people are paying for an eventful Christmas and feel that there is not much to look forward to. 


Hawaii and Arizona do not fall back and they constantly remain in Daylight Savings time. 


But what if ‘falling back’ didn’t even happen at all? It is an old concept, and it was originally created during the world wars in order to save energy for war production. 


Making Daylight Savings time year-round would significantly reduce suicide rates and depression, and aide in sleep, energy, and overall mood of the working class. 


A new bill is being proposed by federal lawmakers called the Sunshine Protection Act, which would prevent time from changing, and instead we would continue in Daylight Savings time. Whether the act will become a new law or not is dependent on lawmakers who vote. 


Both Republicans and Democrats have agreed that the time change is unnecessary, so it is possible that ‘Fall Back’ will be abolished soon.