Hunchbacks of the technological age

Janeah Berry, Design Editor

That reoccurring back and neck pain you have is most likely due to our smart devices. 

According to Life Chiropractic Clinics, “Studies show that staring at a smart phone for hours on end each day is having a very tangible impact on early wear-and-tear of the spine…. As the neck-bend angle increases from 15 degrees to 60 degrees, the weight on the spine can increase from roughly 27 pounds to 60 pounds.”

Yes, the way you slouch in class, scroll through social media and type on your computer is to blame. So, in other words, we are destroying our alignment, possibly creating a hunchback. 

“Kyphosis, also known as roundback or hunchback, is a condition in which the spine in the upper back has an excessive curvature,” according to Healthline.

So how do we save our beautiful spines from becoming a hunchback?

Getting rid of our devices is out of the question, of course. But hey, if you can do it, I fully support you. 

Let’s look at some ways to help bad posture.

Pull your shoulders back and sit up straight while in class. The majority of us slouch and bring our head forward, which strains the back and neck. 

According to Healthline, “Pay attention to your head position. Don’t let your head and chin sit forward of your shoulders. Keep your ears aligned over your shoulders. Keep your computer screen at eye level to prevent your neck from bending forward or backward.”

On top of staring at your phone for hours on end, you create discomfort for your spine at night, as well. This will probably be the hardest tip to follow, but sleeping on your stomach is horrible for the spine. The way your spine is curved for those seven straight hours… yeah, your chiropractor would be furious with you. 

According to the Sleep Foundation, “When you sleep on your stomach, your torso naturally sinks deeper into the mattress because of its weight. As a result, your back might arch, stretching your spine out of neutral alignment.”

In other words, take care of your posture. Be smart y’all, have your own back. 

These are just small tips to prevent aches and a potentially a hunchback nation. 

So, you’re welcome. 

The future generations will be so grateful that we have beautiful natural spines.