Anonymous social media pages not so funny anymore

Austin Hock

From what started as a joke to now. 

That anonymous Instagram account named “dhs bad parking” was a fun way to make fun of others who had bad parking skills.

But it sure worsened.

“First it was all fun and games obviously because of the DHS parking page, but then out of nowhere it went out of control and people started to make Instagram pages that were not even remotely close to being funny at all,” senior Leyton Ko said.

Some of the other anonymous Instagram accounts aimed at the high school are “dhs.badoutfits,” “dhshotmoms” and even “dhsblackpeople.” 

And it has resulted in investigations, as well as pleas by principal Tim Hamblin during the morning announcements to not be connected with these.

“We were made aware of a couple sites, examples being ‘dhshotmoms’ and ‘dhscaughtsleeping.’ I learned from others that these are what are called “tea” pages,” Hamblin said. “… So, OK, fine, not that massive of a big deal, and then at some point obviously over the weekend someone created ‘dhsblackpeople.’

“That is completely unacceptable. We immediately informed law enforcement  through our school resource officers. They started to look into it. It’’s a challenge for them because, unless a law is broken there is not much the police can do. Part of that post an individual posted an image of two of our student athletes, African-American young ladies and then at some point on their someone indicated a like.

“… Because of the potential of hate speech that gave law enforcement  more ability to assist. I can tell you now that it has escalated to the FBI and obviously they are going to have a whole different tool box of resources then the Derby PD and certainly Derby HIgh School has.”