Stone Creek Elementary tours Derby High

Gretta McEntire

Today the fourth and fifth graders of Stone Creek Elementary are at Derby High, exploring the school. 


Them being here brings up memories for current students about them going into high school. Some people were scared, some were excited, and some were a mix of both.


As students from Stone Creek Elementary toured the high school on Wednesday, memories of those first days at DHS churned through students’ minds.


“I was definitely a little bit nervous. Just because I had never been to the high school before, I visited it a couple times in middle school, but never really knew my way around the school. It’s a big school so it’s just a lot,” sophomore Gracie Beenken said.


Most students admitted that when going into high school — their biggest worry was about the workload they would receive in comparison to the past. However, they agreed that it really was not as bad as they thought.


“You know, I thought the classes were going to be harder and I was going to have a busier schedule, but it’s not that busy,” freshman Cody Mapes said.


One thing that many students could probably agree upon is that overall they have enjoyed their high school experience.


“I think it’s overall been a pretty good time,” junior Keenan Barker said.