Prom rattles junior class students, parents

Nik Shay, Design Team

Both junior students and parents have been disheartened over rumors of prom being limited to seniors only.

Shasta Copely Baxter, a Derby parent, made a post on Derby Chatter, a Facebook group, explaining her concerns over the juniors who already spent money on clothes. 

Baxter wasn’t the only parent. 

Comments flooded the post from parents complaining about the rumor, where students met comments with their concerns. 

This includes junior Emily Bui, who is on the prom committee that helps plan, set up, and run the event. 

“I heard a couple rumors from other students but I didn’t really think too much of it,” Bui said. “Personally I was kind of upset that I would be putting so much effort and energy into a prom that I would’ve been able to go.”

Today, however, an email was sent to parents and students with the information attached in the picture.