Page 3: Panther Personalities: Max Ross

EllieAna Hale

Freshman Max Ross hones his athletic and memorization skills after school.

In the form of rock climbing.

“I just kind of got bored with swimming at the YMCA and decided to try their aquatic rock wall,” Ross said.

He climbs rock walls at multiple YMCAs.

His skill has improved rapidly over time and practice.

“I can climb them in under a minute, and one in particular in under 10 seconds,” Ross said. “If I memorize it well enough, I can sometimes climb with my eyes closed.”

Ross uses a combination of skills to keep up with the strain of both aquatic rock climbing and physical rock climbing, to constantly improve his time. Specifically, he works on memorizing the rocks that will guide him.

“The only process involved is me memorizing which rocks I can use to get to the top,” Ross said.

His ability and interest in rock climbing occurred spontaneously.

“I just started doing the rock wall one day and found that I enjoyed it,” Ross said. “I kept practicing until I was extremely fast.”

He additionally takes inspiration from his brother, Hank, who joins Ross in his climbing endeavors.

“My brother is also fairly fast, and on occasion, he can climb sideways,” Ross said.

Ross wishes to inspire others to enhance their skills and to work towards a goal in their abilities.

“The only advice I can offer to others trying to gain an ability is to practice,” Ross said. “That’s really all there is to it.”